Tasty ways to fill up on fewer calories

October 2, 2015

Whether you're trying to stick to a diet or looking to adopt a healthier lifestyle, there's no reason to feel hungry. It's a lot easier to resist unhealthy treats when your stomach is full of delicious, low-calorie options. We'll show you a bunch.

Tasty ways to fill up on fewer calories

Choose filling foods

  • As a general rule, try to ensure that your meals are mostly vegetables and fruits, along with moderate portions of beans, whole grains, lean protein, and good fats.
  • If you're feeling hungry in between meals, turn to low-calorie snacks with high volume. Apples, berries, beans, and nearly any vegetable are great picks.
  • You can eat heaping platefuls of veggies and fruit and consume fewer calories than are in a small bag of potato chips. The healthy option will also make you feel better and keep you full for longer.
  • Fruits and veggies contain oodles of antioxidants, vitamins, and fibre. They're also free of fat, refined carbohydrates, and artificial additives.
  • Eating this way also brings extra pleasure to your table because you never have to worry about eating the wrong things or "cheating" on the latest weight-loss scheme. It lets you focus on eating as much as you like rather than feeling restricted or deprived.

Reconsider weight loss as you age

  • If excess weight is hurting your health, energy, or mobility, then it's definitely a good idea to discuss weight loss with your family doctor. However, if you're just looking to lose a bit of "vanity weight" you may want to reconsider.
  • A growing stack of intriguing research suggests that after age 55 or 60, vanity weight loss is detrimental to your health. In one 12-year study of 1,801 people over age 71, women who lost weight increased their risk of dying by 38 percent, and men increased their odds by 76 percent.
  • Remember that choosing healthier food options is always a good idea, even if you're not actively trying to lose weight.

Keep your fridge well stocked with healthy options and you'll never have to deal with a rumbling stomach again. So find the healthy food that tastes best to you and go to town!

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