The benefits of eco-friendly snow removal

December 12, 2014

Winter is back. You know, that delightful season when the demands of snow and ice make you feel like a grump. And it all starts when you open the door to a snow-filled walkway and driveway.

Clearing them is not one of your favourite sports. Your neighbour brings in the big guns — plows, salt, blowers, you name it — but you wonder if there are some other options to consider first. Here is a bit of information about how an eco-friendly snow removal service might suit your needs.

Salt is to be avoided

Companies that offer eco-friendly snow removal services don’t use salt for de-icing entryways. The salt used for such purposes harms the environment considerably. First, the salt accumulates in the ground, in the same way as fertilizers.

These accumulated residues prevent plants from properly absorbing moisture and nutrients. Opt, instead, for a service that uses sand. More and more snow removal companies are catching on and now provide this option to their customers.

A few tips for going green with home snow removal

  • Get back to using a shovel. A big scoop pushes away the snow without damaging your back or the environment. If you shovel often during a heavy snowfall, you’ll avoid having to deal with a big, heavy pile of it later. If shovelling requires too much physical effort, you can support the local economy by hiring your young next-door neighbour to do the job for you.
  • Opt for an electric snowblower instead of a gas one. Electric snowblowers are less harmful to the environment, and they’re also much quieter.
  • Install a heated driveway. Although this is a more expensive option, an electric heating system under the concrete or asphalt is clean and efficient. All you’ll use is a bit of electricity to melt the snow, without needing any products that are harmful for the environment.
  • Spread sand on your walkways. It doesn’t melt the ice, but sand does provide excellent traction for your feet and car tires without causing damage to your lawn or your pets’ paws. You may have heard that some people use kitty litter or ashes, but neither one of these options melts snow, and they can be messy in the spring. Plus, you get a much better grip with regular sand.
  • Buy some good winter boots. Your warm snow boots will quickly become an ally in cold weather. They’ll allow you to do all your outdoor activities without worry — including the shovelling — and will help keep you from slipping on the ice.

So, there’s no reason not to choose an eco-friendly snow removal service, whether you hire a company or do it on your own. If you hire out the job, be sure to check on which techniques and products the company uses.

The benefits of eco-friendly snow removal
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