Places at home where germs hide that you should be cleaning

November 6, 2014

Although germs are everywhere, they can still "hide" in the most obvious places – the ones you may not consider cleaning. So where exactly are these germs lurking? How can you get rid of them? Here are some simple tips for cleaning the dirtiest spots in your home using easily-available cleaning products.

Places at home where germs hide that you should be cleaning

The kitchen

We all know that kitchen sinks can be a breeding ground for germs and we should disinfect them regularly, but it's not the only germ hot-spot in the kitchen.

Sponges are breeding grounds for bugs.

  • Put them in the dishwasher with your next load to clean and disinfect them.

Studies have shown that bacteria can build up in the water pipes overnight.

  • Let the water run for a minute or two before filling your glass and taking a drink.

Chopping boards
Whether made of wood or plastic, the cutting board you use can attract E. coli and salmonella bacteria if not cleaned properly.

  • Clean your cutting boards with a disinfecting wipe, or scrub them vigorously with soap and hot water after each use.

Items everyone touches or uses

Everything from remote controls to light switches and toilet flush handles to cell phones are only as clean as the last hand that touched them.

  • Wipe down all such items and surfaces weekly with a disinfecting wipe.
  • Keep hand sanitizer available in the kitchen, bathroom and TV room.
  • To avoid spreading germs wash your hands with soap and hot water often.

Coffee tables and beds

When you walk into your house from the outside, you're bringing in everything your shoes walked over: from dirt to fecal matter and more. Gross!

  • Every time you prop your feet up on the coffee table or lounge on your bed with your shoes on, you may be spreading germs onto these surfaces. As such, wipe down surfaces where you prop up your feet regularly. If it's your bed, change sheets often to keep them clean.

You should consider leaving outdoor shoes by the front door and changing into slippers or other house-only shoes to reduce the risk of spreading germs.


Toilets are considered the villain of the bathroom germ war, so cleaning the toilet inside and out with disinfecting cleanser is important. But it doesn't end there.

Consider your toothbrush. It may be leaving behind germs transferred from your mouth on the brush. If that brush sits in a family bank of toothbrushes or in a cabinet, germs may grow and spread in this damp environment.

  • Swap out toothbrushes regularly and, in between, clean brushes in the dishwasher.

Toothbrush holder
If you've ever looked into the bottom of the family toothbrush holder, it can seem slimy and gross.

  • When you clean the sink, always clean the yuck from the bottom of the toothbrush cup.

All the hair that clogs the hair-dryer? It's also a dust magnet.

  • Clear out the metal mesh on the end of the hair-dryer – the part that sucks in the air when it's turned on. Otherwise, you're simply blasting dust, dirt and debris into your face.


Believe it or not, anytime you handle objects in public or even in private, you're exposed to a plethora of germs.

  • Whether you took over a shopping cart from an unseen man with the flu or are handling raw meat, don't forget to protect yourself.
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and hot (but not scalding) water, especially after using the bathroom or preparing meat. If water and soap aren't available, keep sanitizer handy and use it.

Because germs are naturally found everywhere it's important to take precautions, especially during the cold and flu season. With heightened awareness and a commitment to cleanliness, you can reduce the risk of getting sick.

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