The most effective ways that women can prevent and manage osteoporosis

November 3, 2015

Every year, thousands of women are diagnosed with osteoporosis. Despite its challenges, there is much you can do to manage symptoms and prevent it from occurring. Here are some of the best changes you can make in your diet, lifestyle and exercise routine to keep osteoporosis at bay.

The most effective ways that women can prevent and manage osteoporosis

What is osteoporosis?

  • A certain amount of bone mineral loss and weakening of the overall skeletal structure can be expected as a normal part of ageing, but osteoporosis represents a more severe form of this common occurrence.
  • Osteoporosis is a disease that results in significant weakening and deterioration of the skeletal structure, which can lead to bone fracture, loss of mobility and severe pain.
  • Women diagnosed with the disease can lose up to 15 centimetres of height, and according to Osteoporosis Canada, one in three women will suffer from this disease during their lifetime, which is a much higher rate than men.

The importance of exercise

  • One of the main methods for preventing or treating osteoporosis symptoms is to partake in regular exercise.
  • One study by the International Osteoporosis Foundation indicates that exercise is essential in the fight against osteoporosis and helps rebuild bone mass and keep bones healthy.
  • Exercises must provide a decent amount of stress to help strengthen bones.
  • Walking three to four times a week for 30 minutes provide some protection, but aerobic exercise of some intensity is thought to be more beneficial for osteoporosis due to the higher stress on bones.
  • Anaerobic exercise, the type that involves lifting weights, can also help strengthen muscles and bones at the same time.
  • According to the Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine, postmenopausal women can benefit greatly from weight-bearing exercises.
  • Incorporate exercise training programs, and mix it up with different activities, both to stay interested in your exercise regimen and to stress the bones for optimal health.

Diet and osteoporosis

  • Many minerals and vitamins are essential to healthy maintenance of a woman's skeletal structure.
  • For proper osteoporosis prevention, women need to pay more attention to their diet than men.
  • With a good diet geared towards preventing and managing this disease, you can even reverse osteoporosis when paired with regular exercise.
  • The two most important factors in your diet include adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D. Calcium is one of the building blocks of your bones, and it can be found in milk, broccoli, spinach, nuts, fish, and calcium-fortified foods.
  • Your body naturally synthesizes Vitamin D when you're exposed to sunlight, but the darker months of fall and winter can leave your levels low.
  • Eat oily fish like sardines or herring, or supplement with vitamin D to ensure adequate levels are absorbed. It is recommended that postmenopausal women supplement their diet with 800 to 2,000 mg.

Ultimately, osteoporosis will remain a problem for both men and women. Use some of these tips to help you keep osteoporosis at bay and keep you moving as you grow older.

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