Want to work in your garage? 5 simple organization tips

November 6, 2014

Control the clutter and organize your garage for maximum functionality using these five tips.

Want to work in your garage? 5 simple organization tips

1. Clean up the clutter

If an item gathers dust for months on end, or maybe a year, you're not likely to use it again. Gather these items together and hold a yard sale, or perhaps donate them to a charity shop. Divide items into several piles and sort them by things to get rid of,  items to keep, and large seasonal items such as snow blowers and lawn mowers that are candidates for external storage.

2. Make a plan

Make an inventory of the items you want to keep, and divide them into categories such as tools, grills and outdoor sports. Use this inventory as an invitation to get rid of more unwanted items like old toys. Consider safety precautions, for example, propane grills that leak can be a fire risk. Because moisture collects on garage floors, electrical leads used in the garage should be rated for outdoor use. Buy a stand-alone storage shed or rent space at a local centre for external storage of seasonal items.

3. Find affordable storage solutions

Easy-to-install pegboards are a great option for hanging tools and other items, from ladders to drills to extension cords. If you don't have shelving in your garage, consider adding stand-alone metal or plastic shelves. Use large and small plastic bins to store miscellaneous items, such as nails and screws.

4. Use every inch, from ceiling to floor

Consider making a ceiling shelf to increase storage space. Create the shelf by running boards a foot or two below the top of the ceiling and store skis or other items there. Get your kayak out of the way by suspending it from the ceiling.

5. Keep it up

Now that you've moved your car back into the garage, resolve to keep up the good work. Apply the use-it-or-lose-it philosophy to items you're considering storing. Properly maintained, a well-organized garage can be a work and storage space, as well as a home for the family car.

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