A fun New Year's resolution: do something different each day!

November 3, 2015

The best part about a new year is the opportunity to begin afresh, flex your mental and physical muscles, reach your goals and become happier. So where to start? By resolving to try something new every day of the year! It needn't be anything big – just new to you. Here are some ideas to get you going.

A fun New Year's resolution: do something different each day!

Consider a different kind of resolution

Too many people get stuck with the same old resolutions: lose weight, save money, get more rest. The problem? After about a week, their resolve has disappeared and old habits have popped up again.

  • This year, why not do something new each and every day of the New Year? That means trying things you wouldn't ordinarily do: they need not be anything large or overwhelming. Rather, your resolutions should be fun, challenging and not an ordeal.

You're more likely to stick with resolutions if they're enjoyable, which will help make you feel even better about yourself. Here are some ideas worth trying.

Tips for success

The best part about this "do-something-new-every-day" resolution is the goal is compact, manageable, ever-changing and entirely up to you. Plus, if you don't meet a goal one day, you can easily start over the next.

  • There's no need to feel pressured or become discouraged when thinking about your resolutions, because there is no right or wrong. The only limit is your imagination, so allow yourself to live your dreams.

You can choose from practically anything and everything when deciding what experiences you'd like to try.

  • Your new experiences are bound to point you towards new adventures and discoveries because they easily lend themselves to so much diversity. What's more, you may find that things once considered mundane are actually exciting, and you'll start seeing life from a different angle.

Ideas for daily goals

If you've dreamed of doing something new, then this is your chance to give it a whirl. Just remember that it doesn't have to be anything big – just new to you. Some easy-to-accomplish resolutions include:

  • Walk, bike or use public transportation instead of taking the car to work.
  • Smile at a stranger during your commute and wish them a good morning.
  • Avoid eating meat for a day and try veggies only.
  • Create an account on social media and share an important news story with a friend.
  • Walk your dog using an alternative route, and ask a friend to join you.
  • Pay for the coffee of the person behind you in line – and give the barista an extra-big tip.
  • Write a letter to someone you haven't talked to in a while and enclose a few recent photos.
  • Set your alarm to wake you up an hour earlier (or later)and do some deep breathing in bed.
  • Read all of the newspaper's sections and write a letter to the editor.
  • Read a blog with political views opposite from yours.
  • Draw, paint or write a short story. If you have children, ask them for help.
  • Take a picture that you really love and post it on Facebook.
  • Spend 30 minutes outside, just kicking at leaves in the gutter.
  • Volunteer at a local homeless shelter – or anywhere there is a need.
  • Forgive someone, whether or not you believe that person deserves it.
  • Donate to a charity of your choice. Challenge your friends to do likewise.
  • Go to a different gym and mix up your usual routine.
  • Use a free gym pass then relax in their sauna afterwards.
  • Dress up your pet and have a good laugh!

Sparking new connections and interests

No doubt, you won't be interested in doing certain activities again. That's okay. Most important is that you try. However, you never know what you actually might end up enjoying!

  • The real benefit of doing something new every day – which includes socializing – is that it might break you out of a rut you never even realized you were in. What's more, it also helps you understand just how much of your life is within your control and how powerful small choices can really be.
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