Caring for your baby's first teeth

December 17, 2014

After falling in love with your baby’s smiling gums, the first tooth pokes through. To maintain that beautiful smile, consider a daily routine for caring for teeth.

Caring for your baby's first teeth

Don’t forget the gums

While your baby’s first tooth may be what started you on the path to baby teeth care, you can’t ignore the gums. You can actually begin a good dental care routine before the first tooth appears.

  • First, grab a clean washcloth and moisten it with warm water.
  • Then, take care to gently wipe your baby’s gums.
  • This will help remove bacteria and stimulate the gums. Even babies without teeth can have plaque.
  • Try to wipe down your baby’s gums twice a day, especially after you baby has been fed and before bedtime.

Keep their first teeth healthy

Now that you have made sure your baby’s gums are healthy, it’s time to move onto the teeth.

  • If your baby has just cut their first tooth, you won’t need to rush to the toothbrush aisle; You can continue with the washcloth routine until your baby has a few teeth to show for it.
  • Once this has happened, you’ll need to buy baby’s first toothbrush.
  • To pick an appropriate toothbrush, makes sure it has soft bristles, a small toothbrush head and a sturdy handle for chubby little hands to grab onto.

Brushing baby's teeth

When your baby has enough teeth to warrant a toothbrush, follow these simple tips for baby teeth care:

  • Wet the toothbrush and gently massage the gums.
  • Brush the first teeth with the smallest amount of toothpaste.
  • Make sure you get the back of the mouth and gums.

Daily brushing is key to keeping your baby's smile looking adorable. Keep a look out for tooth decay and bring any concerns to your pediatrician or dentist.

If you keep a proper routine, your baby will have a bright, beautiful smile for life.

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