Tips for staying fit during retirement for maximum enjoyment

November 3, 2015

Staying fit in retirement increases your ability to enjoy it

The spare time that typically comes with retirement provides the perfect opportunity for exercise. Regular exercise will help keep off any unwanted weight, ensure that your joints keep moving, help maintain flexibility and help with your cardiovascular health too. Here's how to keep fit, stay social and enjoy life in your golden years.

Tips for staying fit during retirement for maximum enjoyment

Start slowly: small changes can have a significant impact.

If you have not exercised in a while or have medical conditions, it's best to take things slow, which will get you into a routine that will be easy to maintain. Write out a plan of how often you plan to exercise and what you will do to hold yourself accountable.

If you're unsure about where to start, a great way to introduce exercise in your daily routine is to incorporate it into your everyday life.

  • For example, instead of driving to the park, walk.
  • When you park at the mall, park farther away from the entrance to incorporate some more walking into your life.
  • If you don't have a dog and have always wanted one, getting a dog is a great way to integrate exercise into your life. Dog must be walked daily and having a dog may provide that extra motivation you need to get out and about.
  • You can also join a walking group as a means of getting out and exploring the countryside if you are not comfortable going alone.
  • Another popular way of exercising is swimming. Try a few lengths of your local swimming pool each week and check out the classes on aqua aerobics.

Pick an activity and do it for enjoyment.

  • Golfing is another popular activity with retirees and local clubs are an excellent way of meeting new people.
  • Dance classes are another option and can be really sociable. They cover various styles from swing to salsa and are a great way of keeping fit.
  • Gym and Zumba classes are also very popular and will keep you moving.
  • Other options include tennis, badminton and bowling.
  • Another popular way of keeping fit and active is to help with youth groups, where you can coach younger children in a particular sport.

Staying active can help with joint and posture problems, which are common with those in retirement.

  • Try Pilates on a regular basis or some yoga to help relaxation.
  • While messages are not an active activity, they are great way to unwind and take care of the muscles in your body.
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