Top tips for choosing your bed and bedroom fabrics

June 30, 2015

When looking for a beautiful duvet for your bed, you should go beyond just how fancy it looks, and consider whether they're right for you. To help you out, here's a helpful guide to choosing the perfect bed and the fabrics to go with them.

Top tips for choosing your bed and bedroom fabrics

Intel on beds and bedding

For maximum comfort and sound health, it's a good idea to stick to natural materials when it comes to your bed. A solid wood, wrought iron or stainless steel bed frame is a good choice. Also:

  • Opt for eco-friendly materials when buying a mattress. In terms of energy consumption, all-natural latex (free of synthetic latex) rates much better than synthetic latex made from petroleum, even when you factor in harvesting and transport.
  • Check the stuffing of any futon you're considering to see if it was enriched with breathable, warming, natural fibres such as horsehair, virgin wool, coconut fibres or natural latex.
  • Choose down, feathers, cotton and linen for blankets and bedding. The exception: if you're an allergy sufferer, opt for blankets that can be washed in water up to 60°C (140°F ) — or even in boiling water — and pillows that are made of synthetic fibres.

Eco household fabrics

When choosing the fabrics and linens for your home, going green means looking a little more closely when you're buying — but it's not all that hard to do. Here are some ideas:

  • Look for blankets made of wool or organic cotton.
  • Make an inexpensive duvet cover from sewing together two linen tablecloths.
  • Look at organic cotton, bamboo and linen for bedding and sheets; the absorbency of the natural fibres contributes to a dry, warm sleep environment.
  • Consider felt-backed bedroom curtains for smokers and allergy suffers. Not only does this have an insulating effect, but such curtains tend to absorb vapours and scents in the air.
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