Unconventional lawn care advice that actually works

October 9, 2015

When it comes to lawn care, sometimes the stranger advice works the best. Here are some lawn care basics, and an unconventional tonic that could help your lawn get even more lush and beautiful.

Unconventional lawn care advice that actually works

Get into a routine

Whether you've got a small bare patch or half a lawn to reseed, it's best to do it in the late summer or fall, when cool temperatures will give the grass a good start. Here's how to do it.

  1. Rake off any dead grass and debris. Loosen the soil in the bare patch to a depth of 2.5 centimetres (one inch). If the grass was killed by dog urine or a chemical spill, douse the area thoroughly with water several times to dilute the harmful chemicals.
  2. Spread five to eight centimetres (twoto three inches) of compost over the area, then smooth it with the back of a rake so the compost is level with the surrounding soil.
  3. Mix the seed with an equal amount of damp sand a day before you sow it. The moisture will jump-start the process of germination.
  4. Scatter the seeds evenly with the sand. That way, they'll stay in place on the ground, even on a windy day.
  5. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost, then water the area gently, being careful not to wash the seeds away.
  6. Keep the area moist with a fine spray of water, two or three times a day, until the seeds germinate. Then, water regularly along with the rest of your lawn.

Give your lawn some beer

Many homeowners have had great success with homemade lawn "tonics" made from simple products that might already be on your pantry shelves. The recipes vary, but most are inexpensive and share these common ingredients.

  • 1 can non-light beer
  • 1 can non-diet soft drink
  • 250 ml (1 c) ammonia
  • 250 ml (1 c) liquid dish soap
  • 250 ml (1 c) molasses or corn syrup
  • 125 ml (1/2 c) mouthwash

Use unusual ingredients

What do these ingredients have to do with promoting a healthy lawn?

  • The beer, soft drink and molasses stimulate beneficial microbes.
  • The ammonia is a source of nitrates, the main ingredient in most fertilizers.
  • The soap helps spread the solution evenly and bind it to the blades of grass.
  • The alcohol in mouthwash deters some pests.

Moisturize your lawn

  • Mix these ingredients in the reservoir of a 38- or 76-litre (10- or 20-gallon) hose-end sprayer, and apply it to your lawn every three weeks or so.
  • Water well after application and your lawn could be lusher and need less water.

Taking care of your lawn can be a lot of work. But with the right tricks, tools and tonics, your lawn can not only be healthier, but also look noticeably better.

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