What you need to know about anti-wrinkle creams

November 26, 2014

Before you buy an anti-wrinkle cream, investigate which products contain ingredients that actually work and find the right cream for your particular skin type.

What you need to know about anti-wrinkle creams

Which cream is right for you?

There comes a time in every woman's life when anti-wrinkle creams start to matter.

Many factors need to be taken into account before you decide which cream will benefit you.

Step into any pharmacy or beauty store, and you'll find an overwhelming selection of anti-ageing skin creams.

  • Which label should you choose?

Essential ingredients

An effective wrinkle cream contains the right ingredient or combination of ingredients.

If the product you're considering contains active ingredients that can help counter the appearance of premature wrinkles, you're onto a good thing.

Anti-wrinkle creams use a variety of ingredients to produce results.

  • Vitamins contain antioxidants, which work to neutralize free radicals. Antioxidants are found in vitamin C and vitamin compounds like Retinol.
  • Effective creams also contain hydroxy acids, which remove the upper layers of skin.
  • Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that protects the skin from further sun damage.
  •  Grape and tea extracts provide noteworthy anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • Niacinamide is a potent antioxidant that limits the loss of water in the skin.

Factors to consider

Identifying these vital ingredients will help you narrow your selection, but there are a few more things to consider when shopping for a cream that suits your specific needs.


You might assume that cost is reflective of quality, but most often this is not the case.

  • Don't be swayed by fancy labels and expensive products. Instead, look for the active ingredients mentioned above.
  • Higher concentrations of ingredients mean longer-lasting effects.
  • Many non-prescription creams contain lower concentrations of active ingredients, which result in minor and temporary effects.
  • A combination of ingredients doesn't always mean higher effectiveness. Sometimes the right product only needs one ingredient, provided that it's a well-made cream.


Be wary of recommendations.

Skin types vary wildly, so what works wonders for your friend or sister might not have the same effect for you.

  • And what about side effects? It's worth looking into potential side effects to avoid annoying skin rashes, redness or itchiness.

Visit a dermatologist

If you're struggling to identify your skin type and can't decide which product is best for your situation, it might be a good idea to visit a dermatologist.

You'll receive a thorough evaluation of your skin and recommendations for effective products. With a good skin plan and an effective prescription wrinkle cream, you're likely to see results soon.

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