Why every sofa deserves to be dry cleaned at least once

August 13, 2014

Not surprisingly, most sofas start to look grubby over time. They're likely the most used furniture in your house. That's whyevery sofa deserves to be dry cleaned at least once.
Over time your sofa, loveseat and armchairs can collect a huge amount of debris. Dust, crumbs, food stains and other drips and blobs can sneak into the cracks and folds of your living room furniture and make it look shabby and unkempt. Here are some tips for looking after your fabric-covered furniture.

Dry cleaning: the benefits

Dry cleaning your sofa is the best option to preserve delicate upholstery. If you try to sponge away stains, they’ll take so long to dry that your sofa will end up covered in ugly brownish rings—and all the elbow grease in the world won’t be able to get rid of those.

  • In the end, dry cleaning your sofa will help you avoid unpleasant surprises,prevent the fabric from shrinking, and thecolors will stay fresh because your raspberry red sofa won’t turn pink through discoloration.

Some smart tips before cleaning your sofa

  • Get rid of dirt. Vacuum the seats and between and under the cushions of the sofa. You could also give the cushions a beating with your hands or a carpet beater.
  • Tackle stains. Use a pinch of baking soda. This white powder absorbs odors and attacks the toughest stains. Sprinkle the fabric with the baking soda. Let stand for 15 minutes. Vacuum. That’s it!
  • Protect and shine any wood, metal or plastic parts. Use a damp buffing cloth and get rid of those fingerprints!
  • Do a spot test. Do a trial run for any kind of stain remover on an inconspicuous area of the sofa. If colors bleed or the fabric deteriorates in any way, contact a professional to ensure the operation doesn’t turn into a nightmare.

Did your sofa pass the test?

For dry cleaning sofas at home, there’s nothing better than dry upholstery foam. Sold as an aerosol spray, these foams are specifically designed for cleaning fabric sofas. Here are some instructions on how to use them.

  1. Open windows to ventilate the room.
  2. Spray foam over the entire surface of the sofa.
    • To avoid rings, remember to clean the upholstery in its entirety, even if there are only a few localized stains.
  3. Leave the product to react.
  4. Dab the fabric with a cloth.
  5. Vacuum again for a finishing touch.

Dry cleaners: a safe bet when all else fails

A professional dry cleaning job can’t be improvised. Your failed attempts may worsen the situation by setting the stains in the fabric. Once the damage is done, even the most skillful of dry cleaners won’t be able to help you!

  • If in doubt, take the slipcovers to the dry cleaners. If your sofa upholstery cannot be removed, don’t worry: some cleaners offer an in-home service.
Why every sofa deserves to be dry cleaned at least once
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