Your guide to replacing a kitchen counter

December 23, 2014

There are general guidelines you can follow to get an idea of what’s involved in installing new countertops. Let’s investigate the steps you’ll need to take to get the job done yourself.

When it comes time to rebuild or replace a kitchen counter, you’ll have to follow a number of steps in order to take out the old counter and countertops, measure and acquire the new materials, and install them. The process will greatly depend on your kitchen and what kind of counter you want to build. Here are the steps to consider:

Out with the old...

The first thing you need to do is remove the old counters. You may be planning on retaining some amount of the cabinetry, or starting fresh. In either case, use a power screwdriver to remove all the screws, then place the old countertops to the side. After that, remove the section of the base cabinetry that you are not planning to retain.

Now it’s time to build the cabinets. The cabinet installation is going to greatly depend on what style of counters you want to create, but in all cases, you’re going to want to be sure to carefully make all of your measurements so the counter ends up as you envisioned it. Kitchen cabinets are generally around 24 inches deep and about 35 inches in height. Be sure to design them with care so you don’t end up with a counter that feels wonky or out of proportion.

Installing the countertops

First, take all the measurements you need for the countertop installation, then draw a scale diagram. Order the materials you need, then when they arrive, prepare the area by turning off the plumbing, clearing any and all items that may be around.

Now you’re ready to put the new countertops in place. If there’s a sink, you’ll also need to cut out the sink area from the countertops with a jigsaw using a template of the sink or a prepared tracing.

Install the new countertop and screw it into place, but don’t screw it too tight as you don’t want to damage the cabinetry. When installing your countertop, you’ll want to line the sink area with proper waterproof plumber’s putty. This goes for the faucet heads and the sink basin as well as for sealing around the basin once you’ve already got the countertops in place.

Your guide to replacing a kitchen counter
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