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Business listings in Langley

YP Canada provides extensive business listings for in and near the Langley, British-Columbia area. With the largest business database anywhere in Canada, Yellow is your first choice for search. If you’re near Langley, discover new independently reviewed businesses local to you, with .

God bless the chickpea. The humble bean transforms into a deliciously addictive spread with just a little olive oil, lemon and garlic. Whether you prefer to dip it, spread it, or just eat it by the spoonful, hummus can be enjoyed in its many forms at these Vancouver restaurants. [Photo credit:]
Brunch on the West Coast is a hearty tradition, and these Vancouver restaurants know how to live up to the hype with their incredible eggs Benedict dishes. Topped with savoury meats (or fresh veggies) and covered in creamy hollandaise sauce, these crowd-pleasing breakfast Bennies are worth waking up for. [Photo credit: S. Young]
If you love chai tea, then you may also adore chai flavoured chocolate, lattes or desserts. In Vancouver, there’s plenty of chai to go around, and I've scoured the city to come up with seven establishments that use the spice in various ways: from hot brewed tea to gourmet chai-infused chocolate bars to simple spices for cooking.[Photo credit:]

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