12 surefire ways to treat dry, itchy skin

January 22, 2016

Dry skin can be caused by various factors, including under-active sebaceous glands, dry weather conditions, air conditioning and a poor diet. Here are 12 can't-miss ways to treat dry skin so that you can look and feel your best 24/7.

12 surefire ways to treat dry, itchy skin
  1. Get enough fatty acids
    Ensure that you get enough essential fatty acids in your diet by using olive or flaxseed oil in your salad dressings.
  2. Avoid fast foods
    Try to cut down, or even cut out, your intake of fast foods.
  3. Choose fresh over processed
    Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, and avoid eating processed foods as much as you can.
  4. Take supplements
    Take vitamins A and D in the form of fish liver oil and fresh carrot juice, or in EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) supplement form.
  5. Baby your skin
    Look after your skin by using the following natural ingredients in masks, washes or steam treatments: avocado (revitalizes), carrot (moisturizes; a good source of the vitamins A and E), grapes (encourage cell renewal and brighten complexion) and peach (soothing and anti-inflammatory).
  6. Nourish your face
    Use a rich cream on your face night and day. Look for ingredients that are particularly nourishing and soothing, such as vitamin E and evening primrose oil.
  7. Moisturize after bathing
    After a hot bath or shower, apply moisturizer all over your body.
  8. Stay away from alcohol
    Avoid any skin products that contain alcohol, which has a drying effect.
  9. Give aromatherapy a go
    Try applying aromatherapy oils such as geranium, chamomile, rose and sandalwood. They can help soothe overly dry skin.
  10. Massage around your eyes
    Cold-pressed apricot kernel oil is rich in vitamin E. Massage it around your eyes to prevent dryness and wrinkling.
  11. Dab on diluted vinegar
    Restore your skin's correct pH balance by dabbing on some diluted apple cider vinegar after a shower.
  12. Use the power of milk
    If you have dry, irritated skin, simply dip a clean cloth in a little chilled milk and dab on the affected area. Or pour a cup of milk into a warm bath for a skin-soothing soak.

Although many factors can cause your skin to dry out, there are also numerous natural remedies that can help to  prevent this from happening.

  • With regular attention and a little experimentation, you should be able to find a natural solution to keep your skin moisturized and feeling great for years to come.
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