3 ways to find cheap snowboards

December 22, 2014

You’re addicted to snowboarding but you’re not crazy about how much it costs to get kitted out. Sound familiar? Don’t be discouraged by your budget limitations, because you can always find cheap snowboards if you know where to look. Mostly, it takes either a bit of forethought or persistence in showing up to the right place at the right time.

1. Shop off-season

The best way to find cheap snowboards is to plan ahead and wait until the end of the season. Sure, the August sun isn’t conducive to fantasies of shredding the slopes, but it’s your best bet for getting a wicked deal.

Before the new season, stores often liquidate their previous year’s stock to make room for new collections. Who knows, with the money you save you could pay for next season’s lift pass. If it's too late, and winter is already afoot, see if you can hang on to your old board for another few months. Next summer everything will be on sale again.

2. Buy used

If you know what you want, and you know how to recognize a good shred stick, shop around for a second-hand one. A used board doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a worn-out board. Read the classifieds, check out the pawn shops and visit the second-hand sports stores. Online auctions are another option to consider.

3. Go to the ski resort

Some ski resorts organize public swaps or sell off old stock from the rental shop. Swaps are also a great place to get tips and cool accessories for cheap.

Some disadvantages

If you’re determined to find a cheap snowboard, you might have to make a few small concessions. The graphics or brand might not be your top choice and the colours from a couple of years ago may not be trendy anymore. Just choose a board in a nondescript colour, such as a plain grey, white or black.

3 ways to find cheap snowboards
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