4 great New Year's resolutions for couples

November 3, 2015

New Year's resolutions are a great way for people to get a fresh start come January 1. However, New Year's resolutions aren't exclusively for individuals. There are numerous New Year's resolutions couples can make together to give their relationship a fresh jolt. Check out the following list of four great couples' resolutions.

4 great New Year's resolutions for couples

1. Have a regular date night

  • Many couples can't seem to fit extra fun into their busy schedules, and this is, unfortunately, a good way to let the romance slip.
  • One great idea for a New Year's resolution to undertake together is to stick to a regular date night.
  • Pick one night of the week, and make it a night for just the two of you.
  • Planning a set time will help you build it into your schedule.
  • It also gives you something to look forward to each week.

2. Revamp your pantry

  • Couples that live together often pick up the same eating habits, since they eat from the same kitchen.
  • Devote yourselves to getting healthy, and clean out the pantry together.
  • Get rid of any junk food or things with tons of chemicals, preservatives and sugar, and replace them with healthy options.
  • A commitment to cleaning and shopping together will help both of you stick to a healthy lifestyle in the new year.

3. Save for a trip

  • One great way to add excitement to your relationship is with a trip.
  • This could be an overnight excursion, but it could also be somewhere you've both always wanted to go.
  • Pick a place, and then do some online research to find out how much the trip will cost with flights, food, entertainment and hotels.
  • Then, start saving together.
  • Put a piggy bank somewhere visible in your house, and commit to setting aside a certain amount a week, even if it's just a five or 10-dollar bill.
  • It might take you a year or two, but eventually, you'll have saved enough for that dream vacation.

4. Set phone, computer and social media guidelines

  • Everyone loves zoning out on their smartphone or Facebook page.
  • But spending your time with your head buried in a device can be harmful to a relationship.
  • So, in the new year, decide with your partner on some guidelines for using social media at home or when you're around each other.
  • For example, make a rule that you can't use phones at the table, or that laptops are not allowed in the bedroom.
  • Making rules for social media and computer use can help you improve your communication and bring you closer together.
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