4 green New Year's resolutions for parents

November 3, 2015

If you're a parent, there are some great resolutions you can make to not only improve your life, but also the life of your entire family. Check out the list of suggestions below and you'll see that the right choices will not only influence your well-being, but your children's as well.

4 green New Year's resolutions for parents

1. Read more

A great way to bond as a family is reading stories. This year, commit to reading more.

Choose a night of the week where everyone sits together and reads their own book, or choose one book for the whole family to read then discuss when you're finished.

Reading inspires creativity and discussion within families, and it's a great wholesome activity that you can all do together. If you have children who are too young to read, then read out loud to them.

2. Unplug

Social media, computers and mobile devices have taken over many lives these days (both parents' and children's).

So, for your own sake and the sake of your family, commit to spending some time unplugged. Set limits on the amount of time you will spend on social media, and designate phone- and computer-free times for the whole family. Doing so will allow you all to interact more face-to-face and ensure you're taking time to connect.

3. Cook more

If you're a busy parent, commit to cooking at home one more night a week than you usually do.

Cooking meals at home is a great way for families to bond. It's also a good way to save money on takeout food or eating at restaurants.

Plus, cooking only one meal more per week is a good way to spend a little more time at home without trying to undertake a huge commitment.

4. Have a greener home

Commit to improving the environment this year and make your home and your family more green.

Start recycling plastic, paper, aluminium and glass, and compost your leftover food and compostable trash. You can also switch out regular light bulbs for eco-friendly fluorescent ones; unplug appliances when you're not using them; and figure out ways to heat and cool your house without running the air conditioning and heater.

Consider using your own canvas bags at the grocery store, growing your own produce, and getting coffee from your local coffee shop in a reusable plastic mug. And be sure to discuss the importance of environmentally friendly practises with your kids.

All of these changes can lead to having a healthier environment for your children to grow up in.

Resolve to go green

Keep these suggestions in mind as the new year approaches, and resolve to implement them in your household. Doing so with all of them or even just one — whether as your New Year's resolution or just as a positive change — can help improve your life, the lives of your partner and children, and the life of your family as a whole.

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