5 helpful tech tools for personal assistants

October 13, 2015

For personal assistants, one of the best ways to keep up in a fast-paced environment is by working smarter and incorporating tech tools in your daily workflow. Here are 5 tech tools that can help you be more productive.

5 helpful tech tools for personal assistants

1. Tablet

Tablet computers take away the unwieldy nature of laptops, provide extended battery life and can even be used as a phone using VOIP apps. A tablet also gives you access to numerous productivity apps, regardless of which platform you choose. If you don't have a tablet in your toolkit, consider making this a priority purchase.

2. Mobile battery charger

Many personal assistants make frequent use of smartphones and tablets to stay on top of their work. Even with the long battery life both have to offer, sooner or later you'll run into situations where the batteries die at the worst time. With a mobile battery charger, you have the freedom to charge both of your devices anywhere, anytime, even when you have no access to a power outlet. This tool is particularly useful for conventions and trade shows.

3. Remote access software

Need more processing power than your tablet provides? Need to look at client files while you aren't anywhere near the work site? Remote access software allows you to remotely connect to a computer to run programs, look at files and access their processing power, enabling you to perform tasks that are too resource intensive for your tablet.

4. Cloud backup

Cloud backup and cloud storage services use off-site servers to store your files in the cloud. Using one of these services for your backup allows you to access your files from any computer. Furthermore, as your files are saved remotely, you won't lose them if something happens to your computer or tablet.

5. Project management software

Personal assistants juggle countless tasks, so keeping track of medium- and long-term goals may be difficult without help. Project management software allows you to categorize recurring tasks, enter business goals and stay on top of everything you handle as part of your day-to-day duties.

As a personal assistant, tech tools truly are some of your greatest allies!

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