6 alternative spa treatments to treat common ailments

November 3, 2015

For those unfamiliar with the topic of spa treatments, you might think that it's nothing more than a massage and rub down, but these days there's much more than that. A resurgence of homoeopathic medicines has transformed the modern spa; these alternative approaches leave the standards in the dust.

6 alternative spa treatments to treat common ailments

1. Aromatherapy

  • Aromatherapy involves more than simply lighting a few candles during a massage.
  • Practitioners who employ this treatment do so with a thorough knowledge of essential oils and their therapeutic properties, utilizing specific combinations to treat each condition properly.
  • Common ailments that can be treated include anxiety, headaches and fatigue.

2. Biofeedback

  • This progressive therapy combines psychology with spa treatment.
  • Using sensors and display monitors, the individual becomes aware of her heart rate, blood pressure and brain activity, among other readings, in an effort to control the involuntary functions of the body through systematic breathing.
  • Problems associated with stress, headaches, hypertension and high blood pressure, are amongst the ailments commonly treated this way.

3. Cupping

  • A traditional practice that has been in existence for several thousand years, cupping is believed to have been in use by Ancient Egyptian and Chinese cultures.
  • The process involves the application of glass cups to the skin, adhered by heat and suction, which are believed to improve blood flow to promote healing.
  • Increased blood flow is believed to help drain toxins from the skin, fight infections and ease chronic pain.

4. Herbal Wrap

  • Body wrapping can involve a number of different practises, including the use of linens, plastics or seaweed.
  • The materials used are often infused with herbs, or in the case of seaweed, the natural seawater qualities, and then wrapped closely around the body.
  • This practice is believed to improve circulation, relieve stress and assist in natural detoxification.

5. Oxygen Mask

  • Not to be confused with respiratory therapies, an oxygen mask is a facial treatment, aimed at releasing oxygen into the pores of your skin via a foaming cream.
  • Infused with vitamins and antioxidants, the foaming cream improves skin quality, detoxifies and is even believed to boost metabolism.

6. Reflexology

  • Along with cupping, this alternative treatment can trace its beginnings to Ancient Egypt and China.
  • Trained practitioners employ pressure points across the entire body, helping to stimulate energy and relieve chronic pain.
  • Known to be very relaxing, the practise also aims to relieve stress and tension, and to promote a healthy nervous system.
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