8 ways to calm yourself down

July 28, 2015

Stress can sometimes feel overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. Try the following advice to include some stress-relieving techniques in your life.

8 ways to calm yourself down
  1. Go somewhere blue or green. Cool colours, such as light blues and greens, help people to relax and feel calm, relieving stress. When you're at the end of your tether, sit in a room where you can surround yourself with cool colours or find a bench in a park. Having lush green plants in your home or office can provide similar colour-related benefits.
  2. Take on just one new activity at a time. Try to master too many new things at once and you can easily feel overwhelmed. So at work and at home, take on new commitments with care. If you're particularly stressed at work, for instance, don't do more at home. Don't buy a new house and simultaneously take on higher car payments.
  3. Schedule six to eight hours of free time each week. Use the time to daydream, read a novel, take a nap, see a film or generally relax in whatever way feels best to you. This is your time. Guard it well.
  4. Drop in on a yoga class. Just one class is all you need to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol according to researchers. When they took blood samples from 16 beginners doing their first week of yoga classes, they found that levels of cortisol (the "stress hormone") dropped after the very first class.
  5. Several times during the day, immerse yourself fully in the task at hand. Chew your food slowly and taste every bite. Notice the sensation of the water as you wash the dishes. Even just sit and breathe, noticing the temperature of the air as it travels in and out of your nostrils. This will help you to let go of stressful thoughts and rest in the present.
  6. Count your blessings once a day. Once every day, say to yourself (or to someone else), "I feel lucky to have — in my life" or "I feel privileged to have — ." Fill in the blanks with the names of family or friends, or with other positives, such as good health or a fulfilling career.
  7. Have a really good cry. By crying tears you were holding in, you can eliminate depression, make it easier to think clearly, heal old pain and hurt and achieve a sense of inner peace. Plus, studies find that crying boosts the immune system and reduces levels of stress hormones.
  8. When you're stressed or tired and someone wants more of you than you can give, tell him or her that you have only a few minutes to talk or that you are tired and not really able to listen right then. Believe it or not, the other person will trust you more because you're honest.
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