Cleaning advice to make your tub and toilet shine

July 27, 2015

You use your tub and toilet every day, but that doesn't mean it's hard to keep them looking clean and attractive. Use these comprehensive tips and you'll have the nicest bathroom around.

Cleaning advice to make your tub and toilet shine

Give your toilets a complete clean

  • Toilet-bowl cleaners that sit in the tank help to disinfect a toilet and may ease the task of cleaning, but you'll still need to scrub regularly.
  • Be sure to clean the outside of the bowl, as well as the seat and cover, with a disinfectant cleaner. Many toilet-bowl cleaners will get the job done and undiluted chlorine bleach can work just as well. Just remember to never combine chlorine bleach with any other cleaning product.
  • To clean your bowl, pour about 125 millilitres (1⁄2 cup) of liquid chlorine bleach into the water in the bowl. After 10 minutes or so, swab the bowl and flush.
  • If your water is hard, you may find a ring developing inside the bowl at the water line. If the ring is not severe, a toilet bowl cleaner and a stiff brush or a nylon scrub pad may clean it away. Otherwise, you can use a pumice stone to scrub the deposit away if your toilet bowl is made of vitreous china.
  • If your toilet is enameled or coloured, you'll need to keep scrubbing with a brush.You can use a toilet brush with synthetic bristles mounted on a bent-wire head, or one with a spongy ball of cotton at the end. The wire-head brush is a more effective scrubber, but it can also scratch the bowl. Replace it as it becomes worn.
  • Scrub the whole bowl vigorously. Don't forget the area under the rim, where stains and dirt can hide. Allow the cleaner to stand in the bowl before you flush it clean.
  • After you've completely flushed away the bowl cleaner, spray a disinfectant cleaner all around the outside of the toilet, including the seat, lid and handles. Spray behind the toilet and at the bottom where it meets the floor, at the front of the bowl, and at the hinges. Let stand for a few minutes and wipe away with a rough cloth.
  • If a toilet's been neglected for a while, some of the rim holes located just under the lip of the rim may become clogged. If so, the toilet may develop a weak, "lazy" flush. Poke the holes carefully with the bent end of a coat hanger. Once unclogged, water will rush out freely.

Give your bathtub a thorough scrub

  • When dealing with bathtub rings, try wiping with undiluted ammonia (using rubber gloves) or sprinkle a damp sponge generously with baking soda and wipe the ring vigorously.
  • For stubborn stains, make paste with water and automatic dishwasher detergent and rub the stain vigorously. Then rinse clean and wipe dry.
  • Enameled steel or cast-iron tubs are tough and resistant to most chemicals. They can tolerate occasional scrubbing with a mildly abrasive cleanser, but don't use these too often as they'll wear away the finish.
  • Before using a rust remover, read the manufacturer's label. Those containing hydrofluoric acid will harm any enameled finish and shouldn't be used.
  • For fibreglass tubs, use a gentle touch. Don't use abrasive cleaners , and be careful of chemical cleansers. Some fibreglass manufacturers recommend the use of new-formula scouring cleansers. Products containing EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra acetate) are acceptable for fibreglass.

There really is a massive difference between a sparkling, clean bathroom and a dirty one.  Make sure yours is the latter by using these pieces of advice. Your guests will thank you.

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