Find activities to enrich and extend your life

October 2, 2015

Life is perpetually busy no matter what your age, but as you move through your fifties, sixties, and beyond, time usually becomes more available. We'll share the benefits of spending that time productively and help point you towards your bliss.

Find activities to enrich and extend your life

Learn the benefits of staying active

Whether you're a housewife and mother of five or a retired real estate agent or engineer, life after retirement presents you with limitless choices. The easy choice is to just relax: watch more TV, eat out more often, or talk on the phone as much as you want. But the better choice (for both your happiness and your health) is to discover something more meaningful and pursue it wholeheartedly.

Following your bliss can also be a service to your community or a way to create something artistic and meaningful. You can do anything from tutoring young children in reading to travelling the countryside with your paints and easel. You could create a self-sufficient home and heat it with wood you split yourself. It's even possible to start a small business like an antique shop, without the financial stress that entrepreneurship traditionally carries. The sky really is the limit.

Pursuing your interests is shown to reduce stress, which can decrease your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Find the right opportunity

Even if you're intrigued by the idea of giving your time and talent to a local organization, it can be a challenge to find the right fit. Some might require too much time whereas others may seem dull. Here are some tips:

  • Don't be afraid to shop around. Brainstorm about what you'd like to do first, then talk with organizations that might be able to use your talents.
  • Audition prospective opportunities before making a commitment. Finding a good service spot is like searching for the perfect job: you may not get it right away and it may take several tries. Visit in person or try a one-time or short-term activity to see if the fit is right.
  • Commit. Many people report that performing volunteer work after retirement is the best thing they've ever done.

No matter what your passion, the last thing you should do when you retire is give it up. Use these tips for guidance and to encourage you to keep doing what makes you happy. It won't only add years to life, but life to your years.

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