How electronic home systems are helping the elderly

October 13, 2015

Home automation and security systems can lead to a safer and happier ageing process, and give families of seniors peace of mind.

How electronic home systems are helping the elderly


As we get older, our memories aren't always what they used to be. If you know an elderly person who is forgetful, or feel that your own memory could use a tune up, a home automation system can help serve as a second brain.

Home automation systems often utilize automatic medication dispensing devices to distribute the proper amount of medication to seniors. Intercoms can remind seniors to attend doctor appointments, perform a prescheduled exercise routine or call their grandchildren. These systems are ultimately designed to respond to the needs of seniors and keep them on track with their daily schedules.


Seniors can enjoy security in a smart home. Remote keyless entry systems let them view visitors at the door through a camera screen and then allow them entry with the push of a button. Often, this can save a long trip to the door or a strenuous climb up the stairs. It also allows them to control who enters their home.

Another extremely important part of many home automation systems is tracking the elderly both inside and outside the house. For elderly people with dementia or Alzheimer's, these tracking systems can alert authorities if they wander away from home, avoiding a potentially dangerous situation.


These home systems can be programmed to lock doors, turn off lights and draw curtains or blinds at certain times. Sensors can detect when seniors walk into a room, automatically turning on lights and adjusting temperature settings to a comfortable level. Essentially, a smart home allows seniors to age in their own homes, an important factor in the growth of home automation for the elderly.


Home systems can have built-in video conferencing and smart TVs to keep seniors connected to friends and family and also fight loneliness. Seniors can partake in remote medical consultations through a smart home, helping them stay in contact with doctors and other medical staff.

Sophisticated sensors can read a senior's blood pressure, blood sugar, temperature, and other vital medical information, and feed this information directly to a medical practitioner. Emergency panic buttons can connect with an ambulance, ensuring seniors get help quickly when they need it.

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