How laser-like focus can help you get more done with less stress

October 13, 2015

Getting more done each day doesn't have to mean mountains of stress. All of us have 24 hours a day, no matter how hectic your schedule. Using a timer, enforcing deadlines, and taking the long view can help you get more done in the time you have.

How laser-like focus can help you get more done with less stress

Use a timer

  • Many productivity experts swear by timers. The idea is simple: set a timer for 10 minutes, twenty minutes, or thirty minutes.
  • While the timer counts down, tackle your project.
  • Whether it's working on the annual report or wading through emails about the wedding you're planning, using a timer focuses your mind and creates a sense of urgency.
  • With the timer ticking, you aren't allowed to check social media, daydream, or take a snack break. What you do get are ten to thirty minutes of very concentrated work.
  • The Pomodoro Technique takes this a step further.
  • This time management method requires you to alternate 25 minutes of timed work with five minute breaks. After four of these work and break sessions, take longer breaks of 15 to 30 minutes.
  • This time management system is designed to get you through entire work days or projects.

Enforcing deadlines

  • Sometimes, a simple project will end up taking a huge amount of time. There is even a saying, known as Parkinson's Law, that explains this.
  • The idea is that any task will grow until it fills the time you have made available for it.
  • In other words, you can spend an hour planning a trip out to dinner if you allow yourself to spend that amount of time.
  • The solution is to set clear deadlines. Give yourself ten minutes to look over an email before you send it. When the ten minutes are up, send the email.

Focusing on what matters

  • Sometimes, the problem is that our focus is aimed at the wrong things. It's not just that you want to get things done, but you also want to get important things done.
  • Create a list of tasks that you need to complete and circle items that you need to do, but that won't matter that much in a few years' time.
  • Errands such as dropping off your dry cleaning, for example, may be important, but they won't have the same impact on your future as getting a great new job or increasing your salary.
  • Find services that will help you take care of errands so that you can focus on important tasks.

Superhero-like laser focus enables you to cut through distractions and procrastination. Armed with a list, deadlines, and timer, you can slash through your projects fast.

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