How to dance yourself slimmer in weeks

November 3, 2015

Dance yourself slimmer in weeks by finding a style you love and incorporate it into a routine that works for you. It won't seem like a chore if you enjoy it.

How to dance yourself slimmer in weeks

Choose Your Style

From salsa and tango to hip hop and country, many different popular music styles involve dancing. The key to getting into a successful dance routine that will also be your weight loss strategy is in finding a musical style that you actually enjoy. If you find yourself toe tapping along at work or in the car to a particular style of music more than any other, chances are that once you learn to dance to it, you are not going to want to leave the dance floor. Even classical music can be danced to in several ballroom styles, and those who like orchestra music needn't spend their lives glued to the seats of a symphony hall.

Take Dance Classes

Once you have decided on the style of music and dance that suits your passion, it's time to dive right into classes. Dance classes are the best of both worlds; they allow you to work up a sweat and shed some weight at the same time.

Dance classes are also social arenas where new friends are made and dance partners are encountered. Take as many dance classes as you can each week, as practice makes perfect, and daily exercise is the true secret to losing weight.

Get on the Floor

As soon as you can--within the first week or so is best--start bringing those dance moves of yours out to the disco. If your particular style is not practiced at a club, like in the case of belly dancing or samba, then find a performance group to join instead. In any case, the true trick to turning your dance passion into a waist-slimming lifetime activity is to make it an integral part of your life.

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