How to get rid of spider veins on your legs

August 21, 2014

Spider veins are small, twisted blood vessels that are visible through the skin, especially on the legs. They may be red, purple or blue. Luckily, it's possible to get rid of spider veins. Keep reading to find out how.

The term "spider veins" comes from their resemblance to a spider web pattern. Spider veins are extremely common. About eight million Canadians suffer from spider veins and women are more likely than men to experience spider veins during their lifetime. Spider veins are not usually associated with any underlying health issues and many get rid of spider veins for aesthetic purposes only.

How to get rid of spider veins on your legs

Causes of spider veins

Spider veins are passed down genetically. About half of all people who have spider veins have a family member who has them, too. Other risk factors include:

  • Poor circulation
  • Hormonal changes:Especially during puberty, pregnancy and menopause.
  • Sun exposure, especially in individuals with fair skin.
  • Obesity:extra weight can put too much pressure on veins.
  • Inactivity:sitting or standing for extended periods of time
  • Age:as you get older, vein valves weaken.

How to get rid of spider veins on the legs

Compression stockings: Compression stockingsare the least invasive form of prevention and/or treatment for spider veins. Compression stockings help support weak veins by adding extra pressure to keep blood and fluids moving against gravity. This helps the blood from pooling, thereby reducing the risks of developing spider veins.

There are three types of compression stockings:

  • Support pantyhose: These offer the least amount of pressure.
  • Over-the-counter compression hose: These offer more pressure than support pantyhose.
  • Prescription compression hose: These types of stockings offer the most pressure.

Sclerotherapy: In this procedure, a licensed medical professional injects the veins with a solution that scars and closes the veins, causing the blood to reroute through healthier veins. After several weeks, treated spider veins fade. In some cases, multiple treatments are required. Sclerotherapy doesn't require anesthesia and can be done in your doctor's office.

Laser surgery: Laser surgery works by sending strong bursts of light into the vein that make the vein slowly fade and disappear. No incisions or needles are used but the heat from the laser can be painful for some people. Cooling helps reduce the pain. Laser treatments typically last 15 to 20 minutes.

Another alternative for treating spider veins is to apply a topical makeup product such as foundation to reduce the appearance of spider veins.

How to prevent spider veins before they start

Not all spider veins can be prevented, but there are some steps you can take to reduce your chances of developing them.

  • Aid circulation with your body positioning and avoid crossing your legs.
  • Opt for low heels, as high heels add pressure and restricts the blood flow.
  • Wear compression stockings.
  • Use sunscreen on your legs.
  • Maintain a healthy body weight.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Consume less sodium and more fibre.

Spider veins are an unsightly inconvenience, but follow these tips and you should be able to drastically reduce their appearance or get rid of them, whether on your legs or anywhere else.

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