Replacing damaged vinyl siding

July 28, 2015

Vinyl siding is very durable, but it can still suffer wear and tear. Luckily, replacing a badly damaged panel of vinyl (or aluminum) siding is easy.

Replacing damaged vinyl siding

Replacing the panel

  • When you buy the replacement panel at a home centre, pick up a packet of the recommended nails and a zip tool, which lets you easily unlock the siding panels.
  • Unhook the damaged panel from the one above. Hook the curved end of a zip tool under the bottom edge of the top panel and pull down on it as you slide the tool along the seam.
  • Prop up the top panel with shims, and use a pry bar on a wood block to pull out the nails holding the damaged panel. Remove the panel.
  • Set the replacement panel in place. Lock the bottom edge over the top of the panel below it and overlap adjacent panels the same way as the old panel did. If an end goes into trim at a corner or a window, leave a 0.5 centimetre (1/4 inch) space at that end to let the panel expand. Using aluminum siding nails, nail the top edge of the new panel in place through each nail slot. Don't drive the nails flush; leave a three millimetre (1/8 inch) space under the nail head for siding expansion. Also, don't drive the nails into old nail holes; move a bit to one side.
  • Lock the top panel to the replacement panel by pressing against it or by using the zip tool to pull down while you push in.

Matching new siding to old

  • When you replace an old section of vinyl siding, don't use a brand new panel that will stand out like a sore thumb. Instead, steal a matching weathered panel from a less noticeable or hidden part of the house, and replace that panel with the shiny new panel.

Not a job for the midst of winter

  • Make sure you do the work on a warm day! Vinyl may crack in cold weather.
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