Top space-saving ideas for the bedroom

June 25, 2015

It can sometimes seem like there aren't enough closets in a house to deal with even just the bedroom's needs, but it's really not that hard to organize things better, and create less clutter. Here are some ideas and tips.

Top space-saving ideas for the bedroom

Maximizing every nook and cranny

  • Use the space under the bed. Tuck away extra blankets or pillows for guests in drawers, low chests or sturdy boxes that are low enough to fit under your bed. A chest or drawer with casters and handles or loops is particularly easy to move in and out. This works best with a bed with a taller frame.
  • No space under the bed? Hang shelves above it instead. To store important, but not particularly attractive, objects on open shelves, use a set of matching decorative boxes to hide them away in plain sight.
  • If you have a high-ceilinged bedroom, consider installing a platform for the bed to turn it into a loft-style bed. You will have loads of extra storage space beneath it. What works best in this case will be a chest of drawers, a trunk or a set of shelves covered with cabinet doors.
  • Never overload clothes hangers, shelves and drawers — clothing should be easy to remove and put back.
  • Select multi-armed hangers for a smaller closet.
  • Keep accessories such as scarves, ties, belts, stockings and gloves in drawers. Hang handbags and ties over hooks on the inside of your closet door.
  • Use drawer inserts for keeping items organized and accessible.
  • When you pack away seasonal clothes, dust your shelves. Dust mites are bad for fabric and for people with allergies, and dust can make clothing appear dirty.
  • Donate outgrown garments, especially if they're out of style.

The benefits of cabinets

When it comes to storing and organizing, shelves and cabinets are a no-brainer. But one shelf doesn't necessarily fit all:

  • You can use open, decorative shelves as excellent room dividers and bonus storage.
  • Opt for a cabinet with a glass door if you're not fond of the duster. Open shelves do need to be cleaned regularly.
  • When buying shelves, make sure they can accommodate the weight of whatever you're planning to store. Lightweight shelves may buckle or even break under a heavy load.
  • Turn a nook into a closet by installing a rod for clothing. The space between the clothes rod and the back wall should be the width of half a hanger. If there's no room for a door, install a roller blind or curtain.
  • Create additional storage space under a pitched roof or a sloping staircase by adding a moveable wardrobe on casters or install a custom-built closet door.

The treasured chest

Shelving units and glass cabinets won't fit in every room. Sometimes a sideboard or chest is the way to go:

  • You can use a lovely old chest, with no partitions, to accommodate large items of clothing or kids' toys.
  • Drawers of different depths can be useful. Store undergarments in shallow drawers and sweaters in deeper ones, for example.

Bureau buying guide

The following should be considered when looking at a new bureau:

  • Check that the drawers slide smoothly.
  • When stowing clothing in a drawer, leave about 2.5 centimetres (one inch) of clearance between the top edge and the contents, so drawers can be opened and closed smoothly.
  • Arrange the dresser so you have enough room to easily put items in and take them out.
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