Esthétique Angela Du Village

Products and Services

  • Estheticians,
338, ch du Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore, Pointe-Claire, QC H9S 4L7
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Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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Meet the owner

While trying to figure out what she wanted to be when she grew up, Angela Choudetzanakis studied accounting, did an internship at Richter Usher & Vineberg, and even enrolled in university where she majored in English. At age 19, Angela was invited to a makeup party that changed the course of her life. When she saw the party representative and how beautifully she presented herself, Angela knew she had to be a part of it. She too became a representative and began hosting nightly parties in addition to working full time during the day. Her parties were a huge success, but as they grew, Angela found herself lacking the knowledge to answer more complex questions about skincare. She realized she would need more training if she wanted to move beyond being a party representative, so she enrolled in the Edith Serre School of Esthetics.

The experience left Angela energized and empowered. “I knew skincare. I knew makeup. I knew everything,” said Angela. But as a new graduate, with no professional experience, job hunting was tough so she began telling prospective employers that she had two years' experience. With that, Studio l’Image hired her, but it wasn’t long before a co-worker began to notice her inadequacies. Instead of calling Angela out to the boss, she pulled her aside and showed her the ropes. In the nine months that followed, Angela got more clients than her colleague had gathered in her two years at the salon. What could have ended in job loss turned out to be just the shot in the arm Angela needed.

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