4 tips for naturally treating your skin

July 29, 2015

Your skin is crucial to your overall sense of health and well-being. By figuring out which type of skin you have and making a few changes, you can really take care of it.

4 tips for naturally treating your skin

1. Determine your skin type

Most people have oily skin, dry skin or a combination of both. Take this quick test to find out what type of skin you have.

  • First, cut three strips from a sheet of plain, thin tissue.
  • In the morning, before you wash your face, press one strip on your nose and chin, one on your forehead and one on a cheek.
  • If any one of the strips becomes translucent and sticks to your skin, this indicates oily skin.
  • If all the tissue strips are unmarked, you have dry skin.
  • If the strips over your forehead, nose and chin (the 'T-zone') are translucent and the other one is unmarked, you have what is known as 'combination' skin.
  • If you have combination skin, you'll need to mix and match the treatments to find out what works best for you. Try different products on the different areas of your face. You may find that light, oil-free products are best overall.

2. Give yourself a natural facelift

Facial massage not only feels wonderful, it also improves circulation and muscle tone, relieves tension and makes the skin more supple. Save money by doing it yourself at home.

  • Dip your fingertips into a little olive or almond oil, then close your eyes. Sweep your fingertips up from your chin and over your cheeks. Make large circles at your temples. Then, moving out from an imaginary midline, smooth your fingers across your forehead.
  • Using quick, light movements, pinch gently along your jawline. Lift your ears up, and back and forward, in gentle circles.
  • Massage the scalp with slow, firm movements, then finish by pressing the hollows on the back of your neck where the spine and skull join.

3. Treat surface veins

You can improve broken surface veins on your cheeks and nose by eating plenty of foods that contain vitamin C and the bioflavonoids – for example, citrus fruits, parsley, capsicum and potatoes.

4. Apply moisturizer

Slather cream onto slightly damp skin. It will spread more easily, so you'll need less and it will last longer.

Our skin changes a lot throughout our lifetime, but by taking the time to care for it will help you look your best.

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